Collectibles and Rarities
We are dealing with hand made Persian carpets :
Very rare and elegant highly detailed superb pictorial persian carpets like Tabriz - Heriz - Kashan - Isfahan - Kashmar- Mashad - Khorasan - .......... etc
We are Upcycling unused old Persian Carpets :
Is about How to Work with Art-Level Antique Oriental Carpets as Interior Design Center Pieces.
The Idea about the product is to reviving old Persian carpets and how to re-give it an artistic value .
In time the carpet bought long ago by grandparents or great aunts return to the market. The recycling of carpets from households back onto the market is a slow process. It may take as little as a decade or as much as three generations. Today we search among these old pieces innocently acquired so many years ago for treasures of a vanishing art which was already in declined a hundred years ago.
Over usage and age, carpets may start loosing some of its pile, knots may become loose, holes may appear or fringes - side cords may come off. Like any other woven material, carpets can be repaired or restored.
The idea behind the carpet was to build a bridge between the old and the new. From this starting point we looked at various ways to give a reinterpretation. Than we came up with the idea to add hand painting where carpet start loosing some of its pile to re-give it an artistic value and using as unique art wall.. .
The difference between a venerable antique carpet and a new floor covering is even greater than the difference between an original work of art and a poster that depicts it.